Eric, Keri, Tanner, Austin, Carson & McKenna

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Last Day of Summer!

Elsie and Sage McKague and McKenna at a photo op inside the park.
Oaks Park has been an attraction in the Portland area ever since I can remember, but none of my kids have experienced it.  For our last day of summer we took a picnic lunch and went to the amusement park!  It was a fun way to pass our last day of summer.

McKenna, Sage and Elsie racing on the slide

Carson and Ethan taking a break from the BIG rides to go on the Ferris Wheel. 

McKenna and Elsie - what dare devils!
This summer was like no other - see the clouds in the background of the pictures?  That was a common site.  It sure cut down on how many times we were able to go to Horseshoe Lake (maybe once) and venture to the river banks (maybe twice).  We did make it to the rope swing at Lacamas Lake a few times, which was closer to our home and more do-able during the short sun breaks we would get.

Carson singing Rubber Ducky!

Austin playing Tarzan the day after he got his boot removed.
With Austin in a boot all summer, he was my buddy.  I was happier about that than he was.  He had to miss his High Adventure activity and several sporting opportunities, not to mention just keeping up with his two-legged friends.  I tried to make things fun for him.  He learned how to quilt and became quite the baker/chef.  I also had him making friendship bracelets and he made it through an awful lot of books.  Austin says he appreciated it, but Mom's can only be so much fun...

Austin and Tanner plating scones for the neighbors.
Austin also learned how to make cake bites and Bavarian pretzels.

Austin and McKenna tying the  family reunion quilt.

We also stuck a Pioneer Day celebration into our summer activities along with a Battle of Pranks between the Jackson Family and the Union Girl's Cross Country team.

Eric and McKenna at our Stake Pioneer Celebration 
Everyone seemed to have it out for "Jeffie"  the Jeep: 

Can you imagine the boxes of seran wrap this took?  Pranks not pictured:  TP of course, forking and Oreo's and car paint, post-it notes and q-tips.   Jeffie had quite a summer!

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