Eric, Keri, Tanner, Austin, Carson & McKenna

Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Time With Marsha

Grandpa's Sunday Morning Breakfast Ritual - YUM!
( He let me do the toast.)
I got home from Boise just long enough to make sure all was well at home and everyone was adjusting to the school schedule, then took off to be with Marsha in the Tri-Cities following her third chemo-therapy treatment.  Marsha moved to Richland several years ago to take care of her parents, and help her sister and niece.  Just this year she was diagnosed with cancer and has had to undergo chemotherapy.  Now Marsha needed someone to help take care of her.  I am so glad I had this opportunity.   I stocked her freezer full of prepared food, teased Grandpa every chance I had.  I made him an apple pie to make up for it all.  I was glad I could be there to do what was needed.  Though I am sure I needed to be part more than Marsha needed me.  I treasured the time I had to visit with her and help her through a tough spot.  She is attacking this disease straight on with strength and determination.  We will all be happy when she is through it.

Homemade apple pie with honey-crisp apples bought from the Tri-Cities Farmer's Market that morning.

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