Eric, Keri, Tanner, Austin, Carson & McKenna

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Bike to the Temple

The Whole Group - committed to helping everyone make it successfully.
A year ago the youth of our ward participated in an activity called “Choose the Ride.”  They prepared all summer to ride their bikes 33 miles from our stake center in Vancouver to the temple in Lake Oswego, Oregon.  Due to family circumstances and athletic schedules none of my family was able to participate.  I was so disappointed so when the McKagues decided to do it again and wanted our family to do it with them, I jumped at the chance.

McKenna and Sage taking a rest stop at the top of cemetery hill.

McKenna and I did several bike rides through the summer to get her ready.  I enjoyed this special time with her.  Eric also dusted off his road bike and took a few Saturday morning rides with me to prepare. One Saturday morning all of us got on our bikes and rode up Prune Hill to make sure we were prepared for the hill climbs in Lake Oswego.  I love my bike and I love my family.  This was heaven for me (well, would have been without the complaining).  Austin and Carson weren’t too happy about this family activity, but they came along.  Hopefully they will look back on it and have some fond memories.

Time to refuel and regroup.
Preparing for and finishing this ride was not too unlike preparing for and attending the temple.  Going to the temple and receiving the blessings Heavenly Father has for us takes preparation and work.  It means that we have to give up some things we want for something better.  Sometimes when it gets tough it takes the people around us to set the example, encourage us, coach us and help us pull through it, but they can’t do it for us we have to put in the work.  It was great seeing all my family make it to the temple.  I can imagine better Father Lehi standing at the tree of life beckoning to and watching his family make their way along the iron rod.

We made it!

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