Eric, Keri, Tanner, Austin, Carson & McKenna

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Backpacking with Gizzy & Dad

By: Carson

To finish out the summer our family wanted to go on a group backpacking trip. However, with lots of different activities starting and school on the way, most of the family was busy and didn’t have time to go backpacking. Dad, Gizzy and I were the only people with time to go, so we left the rest of the family to the stressful mess our house had become as the beginning of the school year got closer and hiked Siouxon Trail, somewhere the scout troops have been before.

We hiked in a little over 2 miles, after multiple stops for Gizzy (I think Dad needed a break too) and found a nice camping site next to the creek. Dad and I hung out while Gizzy explored, and once it got dark we built a fire. Dad forgot gas to the stove so we had to cook our meals over the fire, which was an interesting experience, but all worked out in the end! Gizzy found a special spot where two log benches met and he spent most of the night there while me and dad talked next to the fire and played cards. 

We had a relaxing night in the tent with some good bro time, and after hiking out and getting back on the road to home, I was glad we took the time before summer was over to enjoy the outdoors and have some father and son time. When we got back the house was as crazy as before, but I was a little more prepared for school to start after spending some time on the trail.

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