Eric, Keri, Tanner, Austin, Carson & McKenna

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Sork's Nightmare Before Christmas

I know you all are anxious to see and hear how the Halloween festivities went at our house this year. Just for you I have skipped ahead in the blog to fill you in.  I wouldn't want anyone dying from anticipation:

McKenna as Dorothy, Pippin as Toto
Dress by Mom
Carson as Carson
Costume by Carson, Kylie Rodgers and Andrew Chanthavong
Driver all around town to find the supplies: Mom
This year you get Eric's Halloween night perspective:

Zombies.  This year was going to be zombies...Until my kids said they were no longer interested.  So it was back to the drawing board.  It is rare we repeat our Halloween themes.  Unfortunately that usually results in extra time and more stuff to store when it is all over.  We finally decided on The Nightmare Before Christmas, a favorite movie of mine and the inspiration for the Disney haunted mansion makeover that originally started me down this annual Halloween decorating rabbit hole.

McKenna and I sat and watched the movie pausing often to take notes.  A list of decorating ideas was the result and then the work began.  This year we had the help from extended family.  Grandma G, Cathy and Steve all took assignments and Keri spent several nights (bless her heart) helping out.  McKenna was the art director and her artistic skills were used heavily throughout the production.

Oogie Boogie by Aunt Cathy

Zero by Mom, McKenna and Gma G

Halloween Town Sign (and Halloween Dinner) by Gma G

Trick Or Treater Silhouettes by McKenna & Mom
Captured Santa by Eric

We worked right up until the day of Halloween.  There were many new additions to the decor including a yard full of tombstones, a life-sized Oogie Boogie, Santa in a bag and zero the ghost dog (all characters from the movie).  Technology played a large part this year with animated window projections and lights set to the music.  We even added a classic touch with door and wall wreathes.

Tombstone shapes by Eric

The tombstones were my favorite.  We started with sheets of 4, x 8, Styrofoam sheets that I cut and shaped with my table and scroll saws.  McKenna etched designs into the Styrofoam that I then carved using a soldering iron.  Then it was a layer of grey monster mud, detailing with acrylic paint and a coat of polyurethane.  They turned out great and filled the yard.

Epitaphs and Design by McKenna

Engraving by Eric McKenna and Mom

Painting was a family affair.

The night was fairly soggy, but the trick or treaters still came out.  The decorations all came together as pictured when we planned the event.  Our house was the scene of many selfies with Oogie Boogie and the tombstones. And the kids can take comfort knowing the Sork House was the talk of the town for the night--that is important as everyone at school apparently has come to expect it from the Sorks. 

I thank my family and friends who continue to ignore (if not support) my strange obsession.  Don't worry...I am already planning for next year.

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