Eric, Keri, Tanner, Austin, Carson & McKenna

Friday, May 30, 2014

22 Years!

Wow, a lot has happened since this day 22 years ago.  When we were engaged, and early in our marriage, we used to play a game where we would ask the other to "paint me a picture."  Then we would have to describe a scene in full color about what our life would be like years down the road.  Eric was a pretty good painter, but he nor I could have imagined all the details we have lived together so far.  It has been a great 22 years and I wouldn't trade one second of it.

Baby #1:  Tanner

Baby #2:  Austin

BYU Graduation
Car Wreck

Our First Home
CPA Licence 
Baby #3:  Carson
Baby #4:  McKenna

Backpacking, Camping, Mountain Climbing, Running, Biking...

Travels taking us around the world.
A high school graduation with another just around the corner.
Three Eagle Scouts

A mission call
4 Gorgeous, Talented and Smart Children

A Beautiful Home

We are living the dream!  I love you, Eric.

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