Eric, Keri, Tanner, Austin, Carson & McKenna

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Concerts for a Cause

At the golf course near our home during the summer they host a concert series called “Concerts For A Cause.”  Each week they would choose a charitable organization to support and host concerts on the course.  McKenna and I went to one together and had a great time.  I tried not to embarrass her too much.  She drew the line at me getting up and dancing, but didn’t mind if I sang along.  We had a good time.  After the concert we walked around the car show.  Our favorite was the Shelby.  Maybe it was because Carson has a t-shirt with the Shelby and it was fun to take picts to show him what it was all about, or maybe it was because it was just a really cool car.  I couldn’t help but think of my Dad and his hard work on the cars he has restored.  I wish he could have been there to walk around with us.

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