Eric, Keri, Tanner, Austin, Carson & McKenna

Sunday, June 2, 2013

BOYS Backpacking Trip

Written by Eric:

In May all the Sork boys went on an overnight trip to Siouxon Creek near Mt. St. Helens with the Harmony Teachers Quorum.  After living in Clark County my entire life, I was amazed that I had never before been to Siouxon.  It was spectacular and immediately became one of my favorite backpacking destinations. 

To be a Spring backpacker in the Pacific Northwest you have to be willing to endure the rain and cool temperatures that come with it.  Yes we got a bit wet, but the trip was fantastic.  With Tanner at BYU this year, it had been a year since the four Sork boys had a chance to hang out camping. 

It was great to see the boys spending time together.  

We discovered a waterfall and tried out my new backpacking stove.  Dinner was gourmet mash potatoes with fresh bacon, cheese and chives.  We woke up to damp tents and wet sleeping bags, but we were still warm and happy.  

 I loved the trip so much, that I planned a future one later that Summer with Carson and Gizzy. 

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