Eric, Keri, Tanner, Austin, Carson & McKenna

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Carson’s First Track Experience

Carson has a real talent for running.  But, can you imagine following behind a big brother who has run on the world’s stage. What expectations everyone would have... well, Carson didn’t want any of that.  

Tanner supporting Carson at his home track meet.

But, being the good parents that we are, and wanting our children to have as many life experiences as they can, we told Carson he had a talent and needed to try using it before he decided what he was and was not going to pursue.  

The Starting Line

Last Lap Mark

We also told him that it would be a good time to try running before he entered high school and there was a lot more pressure associated with it.  Yes, we forced him to participate in track.  He did quite well.  I am not sure if he liked it or not, but he didn’t hate it.  He was able to make it all the way to districts.  Way to go, Carson!

The Big Finish

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