Eric, Keri, Tanner, Austin, Carson & McKenna

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Solo and Ensemble

Carson is quite a talented violinist.  We knew that.  The District Solo and Ensemble Competition confirmed it.  Carson had been working with his private teacher to perfect a solo to play in the competition.  I was able to accompany him.  I truly loved it!  I was so proud of Carson and the judge was very impressed.  Carson was given top scores.

Austin also participated in the solo and ensemble competition.  Given his illness I was his constant companion.  I did everything I could to ease his anxiety and help with the nausea.  We used sea bands, aromatherapy, relaxation techniques, and peppermints and ginger to stave of the vomiting and get him through.  He was sicker than a dog.  The seminary building was across the street from the high school where  the competition was being held.  The church let the Union HS choir use it so Austin could have a semi-private bathroom and dark room to rest in between his performance times.  You could tell he was so sick, but the second he began to sing he put on a good face and performed his heart out.  It took them all the way to a state championship.  He was able to do his part.  Austin, we are so proud of you.

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