Eric, Keri, Tanner, Austin, Carson & McKenna

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Spring Break in Hawaii: Scuba Diving

Austin and Carson decided time under the water would be more exciting than on top of it.  The two of them headed to the Maui Dreams Dive Shop with Grandpa Sork and went on a two tank SCUBA discovery dive. Their shore dive was off Wailea beach.  Carson said the gear was almost more than he could carry and it took him ten minutes to find a set of fins that would fit him properly. Unfortunately, no camera accompanied them on their trip :(

The boys were a bit anxious when they had to learn how to clear water from their masks and to find a lost regulator (you actually have to take the breather out of your mouth and throw it behind you, then find it again), but they passed with flying colors.  On the dive they could hear the migrating whales under the water as the were diving.  The coolest thing they saw was a huge puffer fish.  They also enjoyed looking at all the different types of coral and sea urchins.  

Eric spent several days with Steve finishing their SCUBA dive certification course they had started together in Vancouver.  They dove on four occasions, spending most of their time performing a series of underwater skills such as taking off their masks, hovering, compass navigation and rescue techniques.  They were both a bit frustrated and disappointed when, after the first day of lessons, they were told their dive boat was going to be unable to leave port the next day and they would have to finish their last two classes diving from the shore. 

On day two, they dove at McKenna Point and Eric’s disappointment was a bit relieved when he and the instructor were able to observe several White Tipped Reef Sharks sheltering in caves off the rocky point.  In addition they saw a multitude of turtles and a rare baby frog fish.  When it was all said and done, both Eric and Steve received their certification and Eric is already chomping at the bit to plan another trip where he can go diving again.

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