Eric, Keri, Tanner, Austin, Carson & McKenna

Sunday, April 29, 2012

McKenna's 11!

A midst all the spring hubbub, my baby has turned 11.  She has grown into such a beauty both inside and out.  For her party this year she wanted to do a spa night.  Boy, did I wish my sister Tricia was around to help out.  What a time we would have had together pulling this "spa-tacular" party off.  It was still fun to do on my own, but after 12 feet and 60 toes I was tired!  What counts is McKenna was happy and all her friends seemed to have a great time.  Our only regret was that we couldn't invite ALL her good friends.  I just could not see a way to do it with 12 -15 girls!  
6 was the magic number.

As each guest arrived they received their spa basket that had everything they needed in it for the night and chose their nail polish color for their pedicure.

The baskets had their craft supplies in it, a headband, microfiber washrag, makeup pallet, foot soak medallion, scented body wash and smoosh, nail care set and some lip gloss.  When they chose their nail color they added that to their basket as well. Thank heaven for the dollar store!

Once everyone arrived we got to work on making the rag-tie flip flops to be worn after the pedicures were finished.

Elizabeth Zundel showing off her rag tied flip flop.

The kitchen table was set up for a mini-class on basic make-up application.  The girls were able to choose their color pallet and had a good time practicing putting on their own make-up.

Cassidy Dustin powdering her nose.

Sage McKague putting on her eye shadow.
Of course then we had to do some glam shots.  Don't they all look great!

Back (L to R):  Cassidy, Anna, Molly, Elizabeth
Front (L to R):  Sage and McKenna
After the photo shoot it was time to head back to the table for a mini-class on skin care and make-up removal.  The girls couldn't believe I was making them take off all their hard work.

Molly Meyers removing her make-up.
 Of course a facial class wouldn't be complete without a hydrating mask.

Anna Cordes and Molly Meyers sporting their masks, cupcakes and personalized water bottles.
After the masks were removed and everyone had satin hands (another spa secret) we adjourned to the movie room (still set up from prom) and projected a movie while each girl got their pedicure.  It was at that point I had to call Eric in to help.  He had to keep rotating the foot baths for me because I was up to my eyeballs in toes and polish.

Of course the friend birthday party didn’t negate a little family celebration on the day of her birthday.  If you can’t tell by the pictures, McKenna is really into zebra print right now.  Everything McKenna got was zebra print: scarfs, glasses, shoes, bags, socks, notebooks... 

Carson spent about two weeks fixing up his old Chinese yo-yo (taking it apart cleaning it, replacing the sticks and strings and repainting the body in black and white) to give to her so they could yo- yo together.  It was so thoughtful.  

The morning of McKenna’s birthday, Carson made her a birthday breakfast of chocolate chip, smiley face pancakes and sang happy birthday to her. Those two have quite a bond.

  That evening she had her a candy bar pie and was treated to a 
rousing, opera style happy birthday song. 

Happy Birthday, McKenna.  We love you!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Under the Sea: Prom 2012

Tanner and Austin decided to get a group of choir friends together to go to prom.  Tanner asked Hannah Scott, the girl he teased with worms in elementary school and Austin asked Maria Collins.  

Both boys wanted to put their best foot forward so the day of prom started with cleaning out the jeep.  Sweaty workout clothes and empty lunch sacks all over wouldn't impress.  Dad lent a helping hand.

Following the jeep cleaning the boys helped me finish getting the house set up for the post-dance party and movie night.

Movie Theater Popcorn and Candy Counter

Big Screen Under the Stars (Northwest Style)
Chocolate Fondue Bar

With preparations finished, the boys cleaned themselves up and went to get their dates.

Flowers were exchanged and pictures taken at Hannah's house.  

They then went to the Grant House on Officer's Row for dinner.

The dance was fun and the post-party went well. Everyone was very impressed with all the preparations and had a good time.  It was a successful evening - not bad for Austin's first date.

Friday, April 20, 2012


This year Carson decided he wanted to try a new sport, something that no one in the family has done, something that could be truly his.  What did he come up with?  Lacrosse. 

What exactly is lacrosse?  We are still asking ourselves that question after one season. 
It's a little like rugby...

 with hints of soccer...

and even some elements of hockey.

Anyway, it was fun to watch this season and I am sure we will be learning more about lacrosse in the months to come as Carson really enjoyed learning to play and wants to continue into the next season.  Way to try something new, Carson!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tanner, An Adult?!

Happy Birthday, Tanner!  I can't believe you are 18 and counting down the days until you can leave our home.  It seems like not so long ago that your bedroom was the walk-in closet in our Provo rental.  I am sure that the ratio of your body size to the area of the room was better in that closet than it will be in your dorm room in a few months.  You have grown into a very handsome young man!  I am so proud of you.  Enjoy your special day, and remember 18 or not you're still under my roof for a little longer ;)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spring Break in Hawaii: The End

Honolulu Airport

At the end of the week (plus a little) we were sad to go back home.  We will miss a lot of things about this trip, but have many fun memories to look back on for years to come:

The Pools

The Atmosphere

The Food

The Beaches

The Games

The Neighbors

The Sunsets

The Quality Time Spent Together As A Family.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Spring Break in Hawaii: Lahaina

Another great site we wanted to share with the kids was the old banyan tree in Lahaina and the fun little shops and art galleries in the historic downtown.

Gpa and Kris treated everyone to ice cream.  If you have been to Laihina then you know you can smell the waffle cones from miles away, and the Hawaiian ice-cream flavors are to die for.  We walked the strip and then got refreshments at the Hula Cookies & Ice Cream Shop.

We took the kids to the Lahaina Banyan tree.  This banyan tree was planted in April 1873, and marked the 50th Anniversary of Christian missionary work in Lahaina. The tree was imported from India and was only 8 feet tall. It now stands over 60 feet high, has 12 major trunks in addition to a huge core. It stretches over a 200-foot area and shades 2/3 of an acre.  We then likened it to our family tree originating from different countries, spanning years - each generation building upon the foundation of the previous generation, and still growing.  Grandpa Sork suggested taking a unique family tree photo under this famous tree.  

Tanner had to secure his housing and schedule his classes for BYU while we were in Hawaii.  We took the iPad with us and started to schedule his classes under the tree when registration opened.  I am sure he LOVED all the help and suggestions he was getting.  


Friday, April 6, 2012

Spring Break in Hawaii: Our Day at Black Rock

We couldn't leave Maui without giving the kids the opportunity to jump off Black Rock.  We took the resort shuttle down to the Westin's sister property and spent the afternoon daring each other to jump off the rock.

Eric took the dare...

as well as Tanner...


and Steve.
I was surprised McKenna didn't take the dare.  She is usually the one that shows her brothers how it's done.  She wanted to stay and build a sand castle with me instead.  After what happened to my suit body-surfing there was no way I was jumping off the rock!

We had an enjoyable afternoon reading, snorkeling and playing tackle football.

Cathy and her Kindle
