Eric, Keri, Tanner, Austin, Carson & McKenna

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Tanner's 2011 Cross Country Season

Tanner had another amazing cross country season this fall - the last of his high school career.  He matured as a runner and made everyone work harder to keep up with him.  There were even times where no one could keep up with him.  Tanner really wanted to get a personal record every race this season.  That is easier said than done.  He did set four personal records (each noted by an * below) and improved his time from the end of last season to the end of this season by 25 seconds.  WOW!

2011 Season - 12th Grade
3 Mile
1016:16.69Oct 138th Annual Sunfair In...
5,000 Meters
416:26Sep 9Run-a-Ree
1*16:21Sep 20Union @ Skyview
4*16:20.57Sep 24Nike Pre-Nationals
217:17Sep 27Evergreen vs Union / C...
216:29Oct 4GSHL league Union Heri...
41*16:16Oct 15Concordia Puma Classic
316:40Oct 19GSHL 4A District Champ...
1116:24.2Oct 29Westside Classic
37*16:13.0Nov 5WIAA 4A State Champion..

Nike Pre-Nationals at Portland Meadows
"Union is taking this race with Tanner Sork in the lead followed by Roman Kirkov"

Tanner entering the finish shoot at the Nike Pre-National Meet

Finalist Finish
Tanner and Roman took turns leading the pack this year.  Tanner gained more confidence in himself and in his ability to run his own race.  Tanner finished the season ahead of Roman placing 37th at state over Roman's 82nd place.  Tanner really wanted to make it into Border Clash, but needed a sub 16:00 at state to qualify - bummer.

Tanner leading the race on the XC course he designed
for his Senior Project and his Eagle Project for Union High School.

Union High Schools XC Men

XC Seniors and Coaches
L to R: Laurene Stepan, Roman Kirkov, Tanner Sork, Zach Lemberg, Miranda Taylor and Scott Eschels

We hosted a team dinner before one of the meets.  I made at least 8 quarts of pasta sauce and boiled 9 pounds of spaghetti noodles.  The team brought side dishes, bread and desserts.  There was not a drop of pasta left.  It was fun to have the team hang out together, visit and play games in our backyard.

Of course that meant everyone knew where to find Jeffie the Jeep for pranks throughout the season.  I think at least one of the girls on the team was sweet on Tanner.

Tanner was appointed team captain again this year and awarded "Most Improved" by the team for all of his personal records.

The Starting Line
Hudson's Bay Run-a-Ree
Tanner's the one with the blue K-tape on his shins

The Finish Line
Hudson's Bay Run-a-Ree

The Awards Stand
11th Place of 132
4A Boys Regional Meet in Tacoma, WA

The Fan Club
(Well, a portion of it anyway)

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