Eric, Keri, Tanner, Austin, Carson & McKenna

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Scout Camp

What do you get when you cross a rustic lodge, water balloon launchers, a service project, a giant hamster ball, and loads of good food?  If you spent any time around our house from February to the end of July, you would know the answer is scout camp.  This was the third year in a row that Eric decided to put on scout summer camp for his boys.  They held it at Nanitch Lodge on Mt. Hood. Twenty-four boys participated.

Nanitch Lodge 2011
Harmony and Lacamas Creek Ward Deacons
The Merit Badge Classroom - Citizenship in the World
Merit Badge Application - Fish and Wildlife
Building a Bridge - Pioneering Merit Badge

Carson's finished bridge - He trusts his work!
As in years past, Eric designed and implemented a 5 day camp.  During that time the boys completed 6 merit badges, spent part of a day at Trillium Lake performing service and played for several hours at the Alpine Slide at Ski Bowl.  Jon Jackson was the cook again this year and treated the boys to fabulous meals including his famous scones (aka: Sandy Tippett's scones).

Austin on the Alpine Slide
Carson in theHuman Hamster Ball at Ski Bowl (Multipor) on Mt. Hood
Camp got off to a rocky start however.  Carson was playing around on logs while the troop was unloading their things and cut open his leg on a sharp branch.  He and Eric spent about three hours at a hospital at the bottom of the mountain where Carson received six stitches for his troubles.  Austin was left to run camp while they were out.

Austin attended as one of four Jr. Leaders.  He served as the head camp counselor and Eric's right hand man.  

Water Balloon Launcher that turned into Rotten Egg Launcher

Those receiving what was launched

Marshmallow Gun Wars
In all Eric spent about 50 hours in meetings, planning and pulling together the games and activities.  He (and the rest of the family) was glad once it was all over.  This was Eric's third year developing and creating a fabulous scout camp for the boy scouts.  They will never forget their experiences here.

Service Project at Trillium Lake

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