Eric, Keri, Tanner, Austin, Carson & McKenna

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Festival of Nativities

The first weekend of December brings the Festival of Nativities.  As my kids get older, they complain a little more about going.  I determined their complaining is because I make them dress up in the children's area and pose for a picture in the manger.  This year I decided to use the camera a different way and see if it made a difference in their attitudes:  

One of the nativities on display.
As we piled into the van to go, I split the family into three teams.  I gave each team a digital camera and a list of ten items they needed to find at the festival and take a picture of (such as a nativity from Germany, the most colorful nativity, the biggest nativity, etc.).  It was fun trying to find the specific items on the list and not letting the other teams see you taking pictures (thus alerting them to an item they needed to photograph too).  At the end of the evening we met in Joseph’s Workshop to share our pictures and experience with one another.  

 "Nativity with the most pieces"
Team Austin and Dad
 "Joseph with the baby, Jesus"
Team:  Tanner and Carson
There were so many different pictures taken for the same item on the list.  We really got to see and experience all the festival had to offer.  I don’t think the kids will complain next year about attending this wonderful Christmas event with me.  Tanner even said he might want to bring a date along!

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