Eric, Keri, Tanner, Austin, Carson & McKenna

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Soccer Season Ends

So I have to admit that with each passing soccer season, I find I take fewer and fewer pictures.  It is not because I am not excited about the game, but the bigger the player, the bigger the field, the faster they run, the harder it is to snap a good shot.  This year was a good season for all three soccer players.  All of them played in Division 1 and their teams were a force to be contended with.

Austin enjoyed playing with his own age group this year on the the team, "Thunder".  I think he has enjoyed seeing how his skill level compares with kids his own age and size.  He has his sights set on making the Union High School Men's team in the spring.

Carson playing Mid-fielder for the VUSA Timbers - Fall 2010

Carson is an animal on the field, and anyone who judges him by his size quickly finds out they are sorely mistaken.  He is fast and calculating.  He has a strong foot and good aim. This year he continued to play for the "Timbers."  He has been playing with most of these boys for many years now and has developed some really good friendships.

McKenna defending her goalie for the VUSA Crushers - Fall 2010

McKenna might be the fiercest player of all three.  It probably has something to do with 3 older brothers.  Watch out!  She enjoys playing for the "Crushers," formerly known as the "Heartbreakers."  They are just starting to get the feel for the bigger field and the strategy of the game.  Each season she loves to play even more!

We are so grateful for good coaches, outstanding teammates and of course, carpools!

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