Eric, Keri, Tanner, Austin, Carson & McKenna

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spring Break 2010

It never fails...spring break in Washington is always full of rain! We have learned how to work around it.  This year we started Spring Break up in Mossyrock at the Heywood Hideaway. Who ever thought that 6 people trapped up in a cabin away from civilization could survive each other for 4 days with nothing to do, but we did and had a great time doing it.

We relaxed by watching movies, reading and taking naps.

We went to the local parks to play and hike.

We ate a lot of good food!

And no family time is complete without some down and dirty games of NERTZ!

When we came back to town it was still raining.  We had Emily come and stay with us for part of the week, did some shopping, some birthday picturing, scatter balling in the church gym and ended the break with General Conferencing and Easter Celebrating.  Good family times to remember!

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