Eric, Keri, Tanner, Austin, Carson & McKenna

Monday, December 21, 2009

Three Wise Guys and a Little Angel

Another one of our favorite traditions during the Christmas season is going to the Festival of Nativities at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We have been doing this for years. There are so many beautiful nativities displayed throughout the festival from all over the world. We wander around looking at each one. At the end we all compare our favorites. My favorite nativity I saw about five years ago and haven't seen it since. It was a miniature scene of Bethlehem set inside a treasure box. The scene artistically expressed the feelings I have about my Savior and his mortal mission and ministry. The knowledge that he lived for me and died for me is a treasure. Now I display one of my nativities in a treasure box each year.

In the children's room at the festival they have a manger scene set up where kids can dress up and take part in the nativity story. My kids have been doing this for years! This year we went on the same night Tanner's High School Choir was performing. He told me in no uncertain terms he was not going to dress up for my picture, he would be too embarrassed. "Mom, it just isn't cool." As you can see I did get him to put on the King's crown that matched his Letterman's jacket. It then dawned on me: there weren't going to be too many years left with my oldest son at this event. So attitude or not, I was glad he was there.

Austin, despite all the kids from his school walking around, donned the costume and posed with his sister. I am sure it endeared the cute girl from his class, who happened to be in the room at the time, to him. Who wouldn't be attracted to a handsome boy who would work so hard to please his mother and show such care for his little sister. Hmmm, did he have some ulterior motives?

Carson was not sure what to do seeing the opposing reactions of his brothers. He finally followed his heart and let a little of the kid still left in him come through. What a joy he is to our family.

McKenna instantly knew she wanted to be the angel this year. And that she has been in every way. I am so thankful for my little girl.

It was a wonderful evening.


  1. Thanks for letting us take a peek at your fun traditions. Great idea with the christmas tree cut and tailgate! I may have to start that with my own family

  2. I love the nativity set in a treasure chest. What an inspired idea.
