Eric, Keri, Tanner, Austin, Carson & McKenna

Sunday, June 14, 2015

2014-15 School Year Wrap-Up

The end of the school year is always a busy time:  Farewell Concerts to attend,  Honors Awards Assemblies, and all sorts of year end activities.  It is a great time to recognize and appreciate all the growth and hard work that has happened during the year.  For the Sork family it has been a BIG year.  We have all grown in so many ways.  Here are just a few we would like to share with you:

McKenna has achieved a 4.0 all year long.  Most of her classes are advanced subjects and she will receive high school credit for them, so this was no small accomplishment.  Some of her most challenging classes were world humanities, physics and algebra 2. 

In addition to her academic success McKenna was awarded honors in choir and the visual arts.  She represented her school by singing a solo in the local Solo and Ensemble Competition where she was awarded a superior ranking. You can view a few of her vocal performances here:  McKenna's Solo & Ensemble Performance  & McKenna's Solo @ Farewell Choir Concert

McKenna also entered three of her pieces of art in the district art show.  One piece received third place in her grade.  Her second piece received a second place and her third piece was chosen to be displayed in the State capitol building this coming fall.  We are very proud of her.

Carson has also maintained a 4.0 grade average.  Again this was no easy task as he is taking several advanced placement classes and receiving college credit for them.   He also has excelled within his orchestra.  His large ensemble group competed in the High School Solo and Ensemble competition and was chosen to represent the Southwest Washington region at the state competition.  

You can view his performance at the regional competition here:  Carson's Orchestra Videos  Scroll to the "Regional Solo & Ensemble Competition" and Play the video entitled "Camera de Unione."  His other performances can also be found on this site.  He is a part of the Chamber Orchestra.

Carson performing with the Union High School Chamber Orchestra
at the NW Region Music Teachers Conference

The Men of the Chamber Orchestra

Carson has been working for his Grandpa Sork this spring and will continue working full-time in the summer.  This is the rite of passage in the Sork family.  You know you are a man when you can wield a shovel for Grandpa Sork.  Carson is now a man, and if you doubt, let the pictures of his first shave prove it to you.  (He wouldn't let me post a video of him flexing his muscles.)

I have been working really hard to figure out what it means to be a Mom of an emptying nest.  This time in my life is not something I have looked forward to, but I am making the most of it.  I am proud of what I have been able to do this year.  Things I never ever dreamed of accomplishing.  I started a booster program for the high school orchestra group.  Doing this included learning how to set up a website and filing for 501C-3 tax status (a government recognized charitable organization) which required I write bylaws and articles of incorporation.  I am proud to announce we are official and have had a very successful year!

If that wasn’t enough in and of itself, I also had the opportunity present itself to be the accompanist for Pacific Middle School’s choir program.  This was so much fun!  I learned so much and loved being able to share the joy of music with this group.  The second half of the year I was approached by another middle school choir director and asked if I would consider taking a position with the school district to help in her choir.  It has been a real challenge overcoming my performance anxiety and making it through multiple concerts, but what an experience!  We made the last choir concert a family affair.  Besides McKenna's solo above, Carson joined me in accompanying the 6th grade girls choir. Follow this link to view the performance: A Thousand Years  

Eric has really had the opportunity to shine in his career.  He is the fraud expert at Schnitzer Steel and enjoys being their go-to-guy for all things “whistle blower” related in the company.  He really enjoys this forensic accounting, so in the spring of last year he decided to begin the long process of becoming a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE).  To get this license, it is much like getting the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) License, in that you have to sit for a four part test and pass each section then be reviewed by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners to qualify.   Just last week he received notification that he had passed the exam and been accepted as a CFE.  Way to go, Eric!  No wonder my kids are so smart.

Whew, we are looking forward to summer!