Last spring she tried out for the Illumination Dance Company. It is a non-profit dance group that puts on a big show every year to raise scholarship money to award to children in the area so they can participate in art education experiences, music lessons, art classes, etc. McKenna worked hard all year and had a great time with friends old and new. She learned a lot about being in a major production and improved her dance and performance skills. They performed three shows the first weekend of January. It was a big success.
McKenna all ready for the stage and a long weekend of performing. |
In addition to being a great performer, McKenna is a great student. She has worked so hard all year to excel in her classes. Her teachers absolutely love her. She is always going the extra mile on her class projects and asking questions that push the boundaries of the curriculum. It is no wonder that she was honored at the end of the term for a 4.0. She wasn't alone - lots of her friends joined her on the honor roll. What about that, beauty and brains!