Poem by McKenna (In bold)
Journal Entries by Mom
Us kids can't remember a time before we decided a dog would make great company.
The kids since very young have done report after report on why we should have a dog, what expenses it would entail, the work they would need to do for upkeep and what type of dog would be perfect for our family.
Our parents refused all our pleas and our cries, at least until Gizmo came into our lives.
Austin brought home his girlfriend's (Mandy Temple) dog for us to dog-sit over Thanksgiving. It was then we knew Gizzy was the perfect dog for our family, a lhasa apso-shitzu mix, well trained, and a personality that just fit.
We fell in love immediately.
Gizmo was gentle, he never did scratch, and soon both our parents became quite attached.
Enough said.
They loved him too much, he was so well behaved and for Christmas
their arguments finally caved.
The Temple family wasn't as attached to Gizzy as we were and they were looking for a home where he would be loved and well cared for. Austin asked to dog sit Gizzy again over Christmas break. After having him at our home again for a few days, I called Sherry Temple and asked if they were really looking to place Gizzy in a new home. She said they were and I told her we would take him and give him to the family for Christmas. She was great and helped us with all the arrangements so it was a BIG surprise on Christmas morning when the kids unwrapped a box
with a new collar and tags for Gizzy.
They gave us the dog we'd been wanting to get; we promised to bathe him -- to never forget.
They did everything they had promised in all their reports from baths to poop scooping. Gizzy was the best cared for,
most loved dog in the world.
We took our new pet to adventure the world before all our eyes came the mysteries unfurled.
We took Gizzy with us everywhere he could possibly go. He loved riding in the car while I ran the kids all over the place, he would go on my walks with me, the boys would take him backpacking, he loved to go hiking. He knew lots of tricks: sit, shake, roll-over, play-dead. He would play hide and seek and fetch. We had lots of grand adventures together.
His paw became injured on one of those times, we bandaged and cleaned it to
keep out the grime.
We noticed a sore about two weeks after Christmas which he started to lick incessantly. We thought it was just him adjusting to his new home and a comfort issue (like sucking a thumb) so we put socks and bandages on it to try and get it healed. We thought we had it healed but a few months later he started licking it again. We took him back in and they said it looked like there was something festering in there. They performed a minor surgery to see if they could extract whatever it was and relieve the pressure. They couldn't find anything, but thought that draining it might have washed anything out. So we bandaged him up and gave him a good round of antibiotics for the infection.
His paw slowly worsened, we went to the vet to see what the doctors could do for our pet.
My parents weren't worried, we followed their lead and finished
out summer the way we'd agreed.
Again another few months went by then we started seeing a lump where they had performed the surgery. We went back in and they took a biopsy. It was going to be a week or so before we had any news. Yes, I was very worried, but knew that worrying would do me no good and be even worse for the kids. We had planned a camping trip to the beach and weren't sure about taking Gizzy with his sore paw, but opted to continue with our plans and enjoy being together.
And during our trip to the beach, the vet did call to tell us our puppy had no time at all.
They said he had cancer, we tried not to cry, the treatment was thousands of dollars to buy.
I took the call in the tent from the oncologist. I can't tell you how long I sat in there and cried, trying to find the courage to go tell my family. We were told that the cancer was aggressive and without surgical treatment and chemotherapy he would have 2-4 months left.
Too late we all realized we couldn't afford to spend that much money on Gizzy's accord.
We opted to give him medication to help lessen the symptoms and ease his pain. We wanted to enjoy the rest of the time we had with him knowing it would be too short.
We watched our dog struggle and did slowly accept he couldn't do much,
he just ate and he slept.
After a few weeks of the meds it seemed all his symptoms went away. We were given false hope that maybe it was mis-diagnosed or that we had our own little miracle, but about a month later the
symptoms returned with a vengence. The decline was quite rapid.
And when he did pass we all knew he'd return back to where he belonged in the heavens.
I'm sure for such loyalty he will be praised and Heavenly Father will sure be amazed.
Gizzy was a very loyal friend. Austin had a very rough year with his own sickness and Gizzy was always at his side comforting him. When Austin would be throwing up Gizzy would tear through the house barking at me until I acknowledged that something was wrong. He truly was a blessing to our family and especially to Austin.
His patience and love will bring angels to shame all the heavenly hosts will be calling his name.
And sure he'll be lonely up there in that place, we aren't there to play with,
our squirrels he can't chase.
I had to take him in to be put down about two weeks before Christmas. That was a very tough trip. The kids all said their good-byes before they left for school and made me promise he wouldn't be there when they came home, because they couldn't go through that again. I am grateful Lani accompanied me on the errand. I knew it was going to be hard, but I didn't know just how hard.
But when our time comes, he'll be there at the gate to welcome us home, not a moment to late.
We will miss Gizzy, he has a place in our hearts forever.