Eric, Keri, Tanner, Austin, Carson & McKenna

Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have so much to be thankful for I can't even begin to list our blessings.  As I look back through this year's blog, I see just how rich our lives have been.  I wouldn't change a thing.  Though there were some pretty tough times, there were also some really great ones.  We are stronger as individuals and as a family.  We thank the Lord daily for the tender mercies he sends our way.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Cathy and Steve hosted the thanksgiving meal this year in their new home.

Chef Cathy and Sous-Chef Lani
We spent some time this thanksgiving writing letters to the troops stationed abroad for whom we are so thankful.  We truly appreciate their sacrifice on our behalf.  We took time out of our day to let them know we were appreciative and hopefully send a little holiday cheer their way.  I don't know how anyone could get a letter from Austin with his little jokes and not feel happy.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Two More Eagle Scouts

Austin and Carson are now Eagle Scouts.  Over the past year both worked really hard to complete their requirements and project to obtain the Eagle Scout rank.  It was not easy and took a lot longer than anyone thought, but they both did it.

Austin began his project in October of 2012.  His Aunt Cathy is the principal at a local elementary school and really wanted the United States map painted on their playground.  Austin had already performed service hours for the school and had a connection with the staff and students so this was a good fit.  He brought his project plan before the PTA board and members and requested funds for the project.  There was an individual on the board that was so impressed with him and the project plan that they decided to gift him the money he needed to complete the project.  We were off to a good start. Austin ordered the mural kit online and asked Grandpa Sork, who had done a number of these in his day, to be his project mentor.  Austin approached Sherwin Williams paint company about donating paint and paint supplies with good success.  Everything was in place and ready to go, then Austin got sick.  This was just one more thing he had to push through during that 10 months of misery.  Have I said he is my hero?!

Carson began his project in April 2012 with the intent on completing it and having a joint eagle court with Tanner, but again things took a little longer than expected.  His project took a lot more of everything than we thought it would.  Thank goodness for a patient and knowledgeable mentor - to gently guide things along and allow Carson the learning opportunities he needed in time management, project planning, communication and follow through.  Carson did a fabulous job.  He wanted to build cello racks for his school's orchestra.  Their instruments and storage was ruined in a fire a few years ago and they were still trying to replace all that was lost.  Carson was able to get beautiful tiger wood donated from a local lumber yard and the finishing products he purchased with donated gift cards from Home Depot and Walmart.  Over the summer he took the school's cello rack home to draw up plans and start working on it.  The hard wood (boy, was it HARD) proved to be a problem and the specialized tools he needed for specific cuts and joining were difficult to find.  Finally in September Carson went to the school's shop teacher and asked for help in the school shop to complete his project.  We are so thankful for Mr. Spicer and the school shop!  The racks (Carson had enough wood to do two so his doubled his project) turned out beautiful.  I am so impressed that Carson was able to look at a finished project and with some measurements and drawings make his own plans to construct something as professional looking as this.  This was no beginning wood construction project.  Carson did a wonderful job!

The boys had their board of review on the same evening and their official Eagle rank packet came in the mail on the same day so we aren't sure who can officially say they got their Eagle first.  I am just glad they got them.

We had a joint Eagle Court of Honor.

Austin's High School Men's Quartet sang The Star Spangled Banner

Dad opened by speaking about the Grandpa's who were Eagle Scouts
and the great men these boys were following in this rank.
The orchestra teacher, Mrs. Brosius, came and spoke on Carson's behalf.  She presented him with a plaque and a great big thank you from the school.  It was nice to have Mr. Spicer, the shop teacher in attendance too so we could present him with an Eagle mentor pin as well as Uncle Steve.

Principal Sork (Aunt Cathy) came and spoke on Austin's behalf and presented him with a big thank you from the whole school and Austin was able to present Grandpa Sork with his mentor pin.

In addition we had lots of family and friends attend to honor these boys for their hard work.  It was an emotional court because each boy had worked so hard and overcome so much to be there.  I am so proud of them!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

My trip to Arizona

To round out my year of traveling I had one more stop to make – Arizona to visit my baby sister, Tricia and her family.  Of course, I had to make sure I planned it after Halloween.  ).  I didn’t want to interrupt her big holiday plans.  (One of these days Eric and Tricia will have to plan Halloween together – it would blow people away!)

Tricia is a very creative person and so talented.  She has her own etsy shop, Bellapia Clothing Co. and is doing quite well.  She designs and constructs baby and women’s clothing and accessories and sells them online and at local bazaars.  I planned to go and see her during the week of one of her biggest bazaars.  I had hoped I would be able to help her out (and learn a few of her trade secrets).  No such luck.  She worked really hard to have everything all ready to go so we could spend my time there playing.  I was able to help her figure out how to organize her stuff in the space that she had and help with sales, but she pretty much had everything under control.  Watch out “Junk in the Trunk” here we come!

I loved being able to spend time with my nieces and nephew.  There is nothing like a little floor time with the kids and dancing like no one is watching. Of course we have to throw a happy meal into the fun.

Tricia really treated me special while I was there.  Right down to the handmade tortillas for fish tacos.  They looked beautiful, sis.  I am sad I didn’t get a picture.  I have made your recipe since being home, but it didn’t taste nearly as good.

I LOVE MY FAMILY!  I am so glad I have had an opportunity to spend time with so many of you and your families this year.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Halloween! Eric's Favorite Time of Year

What!?!  No Zombies????!  Boy, if we had a nickel for every time we hear that this year on Halloween night, Eric could retire early.  It was hard for Eric and the kids to scale back their decorating this year, but after last year’s over-the-top zombie theme with live actors and boarded up windows, everyone needed a little break.  Many of those who stopped at the door to trick-or-treat commented how much they missed the zombies this year.  But, others were grateful that the little kids weren't scared to come to the door.  

What is crazy is that even with a “lower key” approach, the house decorations were still heads and shoulders above everything else in the neighborhood.  Spiders was the theme (Eric always has to have theme).  McKenna was the webbing expert and she was the one who handled all the finer details this year.  The ENTIRE front of the house was covered in webbing with giant spiders descending from the roof and rafters.  We even had moving spiders spilling out of our bedroom windows, a little high tech special effect Eric rigged up using computers and projectors.  Creepy Itsy Bitsy Spider songs completed the décor.

The real horror was the inside of the house where we had two full teen Halloween parties going on with great party food and scary movies to boot.  Grandma G also delivered with her traditional Cheese Zombies and Basil Tomato Soup.  Thanks Grandma G!

Carson's Halloween Party

Austin's Halloween Party

I was glad my nieces came to visit me.  Brenna even sat on the stairs with me and helped me hand out candy.