Eric, Keri, Tanner, Austin, Carson & McKenna

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Our Lucky Streak Has Ended

After several years without anyone in the ER, we thought we were in the clear.  Alas, it is not so.

While Eric and Carson were at the Ape Caves, Austin was out on a hike with his Boy Scout troop and rolled his foot on the trail at Siouxon Falls.  He heard something snap and felt some extreme pain.  But continued to hike on it a bit.  By that point he had a hard time convincing anyone there was something wrong.  He continued to hike on it for another mile back to the vehicles then endured an hour long ride home in agony.  All I have to say is, "good thing the boot didn't come off until he was in a vehicle."

The forever long wait at the Kaiser Urgent Care Clinic.
There were so many people there Austin was sure someone was going to hit his foot.
Especially the little kids that kept running around his wheel chair.
When Austin arrived home Brother Richie Gillespie and Eric immediately gave him a priesthood blessing.  Then off to the urgent care we went.  Austin was diagnosed with a broken 5th metatarcel and extensive soft tissue damage.   A cast was in order and 6-8 weeks of recovery.

Austin got to get reacquainted with old friends in the cast room.
He wasn't so bummed that this was his 8th broken bone (3rd of which has happened at a scouting activity) but that all his summer activities were going to be affected including his ability to attend the high adventure activity he planned for his quorum of a 50 mile hike up in the Olympic National Forest to the Goat Rocks.  Sorry, Austin!

He is not sure whether to laugh because of the itty-bitty crutches or cry due to pain--
the last time we needed crutches he wasn't quite so tall.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ape Caves

Eric continues to serve as our ward’s Scout Master and YM 2nd Councilor.  This is a real treat as he has had the opportunity to serve as a leader to each of our boys during their years in the Young Men's program.  

Currently Carson is in his quorum and reaps the benefits of having the best scout master in the world.  Eric is consistently getting the boys out each month for an overnight.  In June the scouts spent the night at Beaver Bay on Mt. Saint Helens and then went spelunking (caving). 

You may be familiar with the Ape Caves, a nationally recognized cave system on the slopes of the volcano.  It was named after a group of boy scouts (the Ape Patrol) that discovered the cave in the 1940’s. 

Our scouts have actually discovered a little known and visited cave about a half mile from the Ape Caves.  They call it the “Hidden” cave, well named as it always takes time each year to find it again. 

Eric and fourteen of his scouts climbed, squeezed and toiled their way through the one hour trip to the bottom of the caves.  They would have gone further, but ran into an underground lake that prevented any further trekking.  It was a fabulous trip.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Maui 2011

In the beginning of June Eric had to go to Maui for work.  We were considering me tagging along under the pretense of celebrating our anniversary, but weren’t quite sure how to make it work.  When we got a special offer from the Westin Vacation Club on Maui to come try them out, we sealed the deal.  

This was a nice little get-away for me and my sweetheart before school let out for summer.   We spent so much time by the pool and the ocean just relaxing and reading.  I was truly lazy, and it felt GREAT!  

Of course we fit in a few trips to my favorite restaurant for smoothies and fries and then had to go on a few hikes to work it all off.  

Aloha Mixed Plate, the best smoothies and fries on the island!

Hiking the Old Village Course.
This hike had some stunning panoramic views of the ocean and neighboring islands.
The rest of the time we ate pretty healthy.  We had access to a kitchen in our villa and the BBQs at the resort. Eric took over the cooking responsibilities while we were on vacation and truly spoiled me.  

Knowing we are going back with the kids for Spring Break 2012 made going home a little easier.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hip-Hop Beat

This year McKenna has been taking hip-hop lessons at Dayley Dance Academy with her friend Cassidy Dustin.  They have had such a great time.  It has been fun to see McKenna hip-hopin' in front of the mirror or in her bedroom--of course she would stop the second she saw any one watching.  I was so nervous for her the night of the recital.  I didn't know if she could really dance.  Boy, was I surprised.  And she even smiled through the whole thing!

McKenna, Cassidy and Morgan Jackson backstage before the performance.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Girl's Night Out

For Christmas this past year Uncle Scott gave McKenna and I a gift certificate to the Performing Arts Center in Portland.  We went to the Children's Theater and saw the production of  A Wrinkle In Time.  It was a fun afternoon, and sunny too.  We got to dress up, hit the town and then eat at the Spaghetti Factory, McKenna's restaurant of choice.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Record-Breaking Track Season

5th Place in the 800m at the Centennial Invite
50 teams and over 50 runners
Tanner's track season was outstanding this year.  The 800m was definitely his race.  Meet after meet he continued to break the school record and set a new personal record.  He also ran in the mile and the 400m occasionally when the team needed points to win the meet.  He also was one leg of the 4x400M relay team.  Unfortunately, Tanners season was cut short due to an injury received while running the 400m in the district meet.  It was heartbreaking to see him pull up half way through the race and finish last, knowing he wouldn't be able to run in his other two events or continue on to the regional or state meet as planned.  He was ranked fifth in the state for the 800m.

His team and coaches recognized his hard work and talent at their end-of-season banquet by honoring him with the "Most Improved" award for breaking a record almost every time he ran.

Coach Burdick, head track coach, with Roman and Tanner at the banquet.
This season Roman Kirkov (Tanner's running buddy and good friend) spent some time looking at the back of Tanner rather than breaking the wind for him in front.  

Season Records

400 Meters
2011 Outdoor1151.24c

400 Meters - Relay Split
2011 Outdoor1152.50

800 Meters
2009 Outdoor92:21.5
2011 Outdoor111:55.91a

800 Meters - Relay Split
2011 Outdoor112:00.20

1500 Meters
2010 Outdoor104:38.02a
2011 Outdoor114:20.40

1600 Meters
2009 Outdoor94:59.0
2010 Outdoor104:52.27a
2011 Outdoor114:32.00

3000 Meters
2009 Outdoor910:09.12a

3200 Meters
2009 Outdoor910:53.0
2010 Outdoor1011:10.80